Travelling Soil

Travelling Soil 1920 1440 Südliches Überseequartier

18 vessels have transported excavation material from the construction pit at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier to Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands

In the last one and half years 18 vessels have supported the transport of soil out of the construction pit at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. The transport via sea saved 8,000 truck-loads and considerably reduced the road traffic in and around the HafenCity.

December 2017 the first vessel went alongside at the pier of the southern construction pit at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. Till April 2019 vessels berthed 51 times at the pier, whereby they bunkered round about 200,000 tons of soil and 650 tons of wood which corresponds to about 20 % of the total excavation material.

Via Elbe and the Kiel Canal vessels transported the majority of their freight to Apenrade in Denmark but also steered towards the harbour of Rotterdam and to the Norwegian island Langøya.

Altogether nearly one million tons of excavation material will be taken out of the construction pit at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. Here, works are nearly completed. Till about end of September 2019 the excavating at the southern construction field will be finalised.

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