Nothing is impossible, in fire protection too – A guest article by Dr. Rainer Jaspers Projektgesellschaft and Corall Ingenieure GmbH

Nothing is impossible, in fire protection too – A guest article by Dr. Rainer Jaspers Projektgesellschaft and Corall Ingenieure GmbH 2560 1920 Südliches Überseequartier

A slogan of a well-known Japanese car manufacturer famous throughout the country for a long time was: “Nothing is impossible”. We have allowed this slogan to lead us, because the building and fire protection law is last but not least a special case concerning dimensions and complexity of the Überseequartier. Oversize fire segments, special emergency route guidance as well as building conception with flexible configuration possibilities, have to be compensated by protection-oriented as well as economical solutions.

Ambitious planning and coordination of more than ten architects of the Überseequartier could only be made in a secure way by applying methods of fire protection engineering with consideration of building-inspection targets concerning protection. But first of all: only with alternative detection methods a licensable planning could be developed, and, therewith, a realization accomplished. Scientific and practice-oriented engineering methods support the “conservative” fire protection depending alone on the base of normative regulations, including high protection values but no special plant-specific fire protection measures.

The measures of discharging smoke were implemented by computer-supported fire-zone-simulation-calculations. In the area with large gatherings of people (gastronomy) an analysis of the flow of people has been conducted, as to know how the emergency routes must be configurated so that a safe evacuation of the building areas is possible.

The application of the engineering methods was carried out by involving a network of renowned experts on the field of thermo and stream dynamics.

For this planning-task and the acquired results a mutual consensus could be found by intensive exchange with the engaged authorities, whereby a license for the buildings could be achieved with a high portion of deviations from public law regulations.

For the first time a fire-protection-plan of this dimension was made consistently, coordinated, and fully model-based on a 3D-model. By implementation and visual presentation of the fire protection technical parameters a work of pioneers had to be performed because software-applications of fire protection in the 3D-world are not available on the market of today.

Today, we are facing interesting challenges within the scope of execution-planning and organization of specialist construction management fire protection; these will start in the next months.

The project-team of Dr. Rainer Jaspers Projektgesellschaft and the Corral Ingenieure GmbH is looking forward to these challenging tasks of this exciting project.

Foto Credit: Corall Ingenieure GmbH