The dimensions of Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier (WHU) construction site are sometimes difficult to grasp. One can certainly imagine something of the 650 planned apartments and 4,000 office workplaces that will be created here over the next three years. Even the three hotels of the Accor Group with their 830 rooms and the approximately 200 stores do not overwhelm the imagination of most people. But who can do anything with a million tons of earth or a total area of 419,000 square meters? To make this a little easier, we are showing current aerial photographs and have put selected figures and key data from the building project in relation to Hamburg’s institutions and locations: for example, the exhibition space of the famous Hamburger Kunsthalle would fit 32 times into the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier.
Aerial photographs from an altitude of a good two kilometers
Since we are involved in the project strongly and know the construction site, we can estimate the dimensions very well. But this does not apply to every Hamburg resident, nor for the many visitors to the city. That is why we are pleased to have the latest aerial photographs taken by HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, which both give a feeling for the dimensions and show the exclusivity and uniqueness of the direct location on Elbe in the heart of HafenCity. Within the next three years a mixed-use urban district will be created here, which as a pulsating destination of the future creates a dynamic combination of living, working and lifestyle.
Interesting facts and comparisons to Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier
In addition to the photos from a seagull’s perspective, we would like to try to breathe life into the bare figures of the construction site by means of comparative images. Typical Hamburg institutions and places that are closely connected to the Hanseatic city will help us to do this. In this way we want to give a feeling for the size of this project. Here are our top five:
- 67,000 square meters of land: Famous Hamburg Fish Market fits three times onto Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier property.
- Approx. 1 million tons of excavated material (580,000 cubic meters): The weight of the excavated material is five times the total weight of Elbphilharmonie. The excavated earth could fill Binnenalster 1.5 times over.
- 200,000 tons transported by ship: About a fifth of the excavated earth was transported away by water. This is two and a half times the weight of Queen Mary II – one of the largest passenger ships in the world.
- 8,000 truck trips saved: 8,000 truck trips were saved by transporting the excavated material by ship. If 8,000 trucks were to be lined up in a row, this would correspond to a traffic jam stretching from Hamburg to Bremen.
- Two dozen cranes: 24 cranes are used during the course of the work on the construction site of Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier. That is eight times more cranes than were used during the construction of Elbphilharmonie.

Credit: @Christian KneiseWant to know more?
Anyone who would like to find out more is welcome to visit our showroom on the 7th floor of Sumatrakontor (Am Sandtorpark 11) at HafenCity, directly opposite the construction site. In accordance with current official regulations and extensive protective and hygiene measures, it is currently open Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We ask for your understanding that we can currently only allow a limited number of guests into the showroom at the same time and that mouth and nose protection is mandatory.