Instead of paper cups and plastic bowls: Joint workshop with the initiatives Zero Waste e.V. and Plastikfreie Stadt on innovative reusable systems for catering out-of-store sales

Instead of paper cups and plastic bowls: Joint workshop with the initiatives Zero Waste e.V. and Plastikfreie Stadt on innovative reusable systems for catering out-of-store sales 2000 1250 Südliches Überseequartier

Concrete Tangible plans for more sustainability – with this goal on the agenda, the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier team hosted a digital workshop on February 17, 2022. Together with sustainability experts from the Zero Waste e.V. and Plastikfreie Stadt initiatives, representatives of the Hamburg Ministry for Environment and Energy, and six suppliers of reusable systems, the aim was to find a long-term partner for the catering segment.

“To go, please” is a request frequently made in the catering businesses. Coffee-to-go and packed lunches are particularly popular around office buildings. Against the background of reducing waste or avoiding it as far as possible, project developer and future neighborhood operator Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) wants to think about and integrate a resource-saving reusable system for “to go” packaging from the outset in Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier currently under construction.

“We are pleased that our plans for a sustainable urban living space in the middle of the city are now becoming more and more concrete,” said Dirk Hünerbein, Director Development Austria & Germany at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield welcoming the guests together with State Councilor Wolfgang Michael Pollmann. The diverse field of participants also ensured a constructive exchange: “With Zero Waste e.V. and Plastikfreie Stadt, we have great initiatives at our side that support us in thinking everything through completely, taking possible solutions into account and selecting the right partners,” explained Karen Mester-Lichtsinn, Marketing Manager at URW Germany. Anna Laura Riemann, Portfolio Leasing Manager for Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier praised the commitment of the other guests: “The six ambitious providers have presented really great concepts today. The selection will certainly not be easy for us.”

Better Places Hamburg: A symbol of sustainability
With Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier, URW wants to create a place in the heart of Hamburg’s HafenCity that sets new sustainability standards and is forward-looking for the urban life of tomorrow. As part of this, the planning team behind the new mixed-use quarter is driving forward various strands of action to find the best possible solutions, cooperation partners and providers for the various segments along the entire value chain. In doing so, it is guided by the goals of the company-wide sustainability strategy “Better Places 2030”, under which URW is committed, among other things, to reducing the Group’s CO2 emissions, promoting sustainable mobility, and integrating local communities into its business activities and involving all stakeholders.