Neighbourhood Event: When desires come true

Neighbourhood Event: When desires come true 2560 2320 Südliches Überseequartier

The first Neighbourhood Event 2022 of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier was a very special one in two senses: It could finally take place on-site again in the showroom at Sumatrakontor in HafenCity. And the results of a survey were presented, which Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier had initiated in the course of inviting residents to the now ninth neighbourhood meeting. This time, those responsible for the project not only answered the residents’ questions but also asked some of their own. The aim was to compare the neighbourhood’s expectations regarding the offer and added value of the mixed-use district with the current plans. When the results were presented at the Neighbourhood Event on the evening of 27 April 2022, it became clear how close the expectations of HafenCity residents and the plans for Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier already are. In addition to the presentation of the survey results, information was again provided on current developments in Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier and questions from residents were answered. The kitchen of Hobenköök once again provided culinary delights between and during the intensive discussions from Oberhafen.

During the event, unique concepts such as the innovative senior community living project VILVIF and the announcement of the Port des Lumières were also discussed, both of which have received a tremendous amount of media attention nationwide.

Insights into desires and expectations for the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier

However, one of the most important topics of the evening was the results of the survey. As positive changes for their personal everyday life, the participants in the survey would like to see, above all, a variety of local shopping and gastronomy options, sports and health concepts, as well as offers for children and young people. For HafenCity, they primarily hope for short distances, an increase in the quality of stay, the vitalisation of the district, the promotion of bicycle traffic and traffic-calming or traffic-reducing measures. In both cases, it can be stated that the desires and expectations of the residents are already very much in line with the plans and the overall strategy of the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. During the remaining construction period of the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier, the respondents would like to continue to be well informed and involved in communication, as well as a decrease in burdens. The details of the entire survey and its results can be requested and viewed in the showroom.

Common goal: Enriching life in HafenCity

The Neighbourhood Event thus served in particular for exchange and the mutual answering of particular questions. As at the previous eight meetings – whether physical or digital – the atmosphere was again decidedly open and relaxed. Therefore, Senior Marketing Manager Karen Mester-Lichtsinn concluded very appropriately: “The dialogue with our neighbours was immensely important to us from the very beginning. The participants’ expectations confirm that nothing will change in the future. We are getting closer and closer to our common goal: To enrich HafenCity and the lives of those who live and work here with a central element that offers a wide range of services.