Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “Pioneering” – Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield presents plans for the first reusable system in an urban quarter in Germany to Environment Senator Jens Kerstan

Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “Pioneering” – Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield presents plans for the first reusable system in an urban quarter in Germany to Environment Senator Jens Kerstan 2254 1500 Südliches Überseequartier

On 24 October 2022, Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, visited Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. The senator informed himself about the status of projects and plans in the area of sustainability in the urban quarter currently under construction in HafenCity. Investor and project developer Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) placed a special focus on presenting the current plans for the returnable system for out-of-store catering. The discussion with the URW managers also focused on factors of environmentally and climate-friendly construction, certified sustainable construction site operation, biodiversity and the sustainable and community-oriented cohabitation of people in a neighbourhood.

Dirk Hünerbein, Director of Development Austria & Germany at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, welcomed Jens Kerstan, Senator for Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, together with Karen Mester-Lichtsinn, Senior Marketing Manager and responsible for Community Management, Christoph Quick, Senior Design Manager, as well as various cooperation partners of URW. Dirk Hünerbein sums up with regard to the company’s sustainability strategy: “Particularly through our company-wide sustainability strategy, the topic has become a matter of course at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield. It is an integral part of our business approach and drives action in construction projects, in the operation of our destinations and within our corporate culture. We always think in terms of environmental and social responsibility.

Reusable system instead of paper cups and plastic cutlery

Around 40 catering concepts will also offer a comprehensive range of food and beverages for purchase in Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. In cooperation with the Plastic-Free City initiative, URW already laid the foundation for the implementation of a sustainable, integrated reusable system at the beginning of this year. This is now being developed together with Vytal, a technology platform for circular economy and reusable packaging, and will be the first of its kind in Germany. “This will give gastronomes full support to implement the laws that will apply from 2023. We also want to create irresistible incentives so that everyone who sells out-of-store participates in the quarter-wide reusable system,” says Dirk Hünerbein. A planned digital solution for gastronomy and consumers increases convenience and ensures high and fast return rates. Gastronomy partners can make use of broad service offers such as return stations throughout the quarter and a central flushing system.

Environment Senator Jens Kerstan welcomes this approach: “The best packaging is one that is used again and again – this benefits the environment, the climate and ultimately all of us. Reusable solutions should be the first choice for takeaway food in future. Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier reusable system is a showcase example of this and can lead the way for other centres and neighbourhoods.”

Compositae, cranesbill and dry grasses: biodiversity in the future quarter

All buildings in the quarter will carry the BREEAM Communities & BREEAM New Construction Excellent certificates. In addition to the classic BREEAM sustainability categories such as pollution, materials, waste and innovation, URW also has a biodiverse responsibility. For example, a green space ratio of 16.1 percent is implemented on the property: With the property area of 67,000 square metres, this corresponds to more than 10,000 square metres of greenery. Biotopes in densely populated urban areas are becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, the quality as well as the quantity of biodiversity at the site and in the immediate vicinity is to be improved in the long term. Among other things, green roofs, roof terraces, playgrounds with greenery, numerous planters, outdoor facilities with individual trees, perennial beds, display gardens and a climbing planting at the entrance to the underground car park contribute to this. Furthermore, additional measures for the settlement of birds, bats and invertebrates will be implemented. In this way, URW, as the building owner, is pursuing the goal of making a special contribution to the preservation and promotion of biodiversity.

Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, says: “Green buildings cool and purify the air, absorb noise, provide habitats for numerous species, invite people to linger and help save energy. This makes them not only beautiful to look at, but indispensable elements of climate impact adaptation – especially for large cities like Hamburg. I am therefore very pleased about the planned green roofs in Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. They will provide real added value for Hamburg’s greenery and the people in the neighbourhood.”

Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: Modern urbanity for Hamburg

In Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier in Hamburg’s HafenCity district, a total of 14 buildings are under construction for a new vibrant destination with outstanding architecture and a unique mix of uses. Retail, entertainment concepts and more than 40 gastronomy units are closely coordinated with a total of 579 apartments, offices for 4,000 workplaces, three hotels and a cruise ship terminal. The quarter is optimally integrated into the local infrastructure with its own metro station, bus lines and various mobility services. The mixed-use project comprises a total area of 419,000 square metres and will be executed by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield with an investment of over one billion euros.