
HafenCity Zeitung: Interview with Dirk Hünerbein

HafenCity Zeitung: Interview with Dirk Hünerbein 1024 683 Südliches Überseequartier
Since July 1st, 2018, Dirk Hünerbein has been Head of Development at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and is thus responsible for the entire existing portfolio in Germany as well as the development of new projects. He has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of design, project development and project management in leading German and international [...]read more

6th, Real Estate Forum Hamburg: Guest-Article by Dirk Hünerbein

6th, Real Estate Forum Hamburg: Guest-Article by Dirk Hünerbein 1024 683 Südliches Überseequartier
Southern Überseequartier: Urban Experience Space in the HafenCity Hamburg's HafenCity is undoubtedly one of the most important urban development projects in the world. There are plenty of reasons: the sheer size and long-term nature of the planning, the future-oriented orientation of the project, and also the immediate proximity to the port and city centre.  And [...]read more

First Crane-Installation at the Überseequartier

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First Crane-Installation at the Überseequartier Südliches Überseequartier
We proudly present our first crane on our construction site of the southern Überseequartier in Hamburg. With a height of 26 metres and a boom-length of 50 metres this crane is the first in a line of another 23 tower-cranes during the coming months. This is how the Story continues Apart from the crane installation, [...]read more