Time is passing quickly: An unusual year of (construction) progress 1980 1012 Südliches Überseequartier

Time is passing quickly: An unusual year of (construction) progress

Even if the year 2020 developed quite differently than we all expected, there was also progress according to plan in it. Like on the construction site of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier.

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Räumlich getrennt und doch vereint – die Teilnehmer des „Digitalen Nachbarschaftsabend“ stoßen auf einen gelungenen Abend an.
Here’s how the second “Digital Neighborhood Event” went 1740 1004 Südliches Überseequartier

Here’s how the second “Digital Neighborhood Event” went

Sparkling beer, delicious wine and tasty sandwiches. At the second “Digital Neighborhood Event”, representatives of URW exchanged views on the project with the neighbors of the construction site and provided information on the construction progress.

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Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “The axis between Jungfernstieg and Elbe” 2560 1440 Südliches Überseequartier

Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “The axis between Jungfernstieg and Elbe”

“After five years of intensive coordination and joint work we are now realizing the long-awaited…

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Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “Like a piece of Venice” 2560 1440 Südliches Überseequartier

Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “Like a piece of Venice”

Anyone heading Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier by ship soon will recognize this mighty building from afar. The…

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URW partners with CBRE and Grossmann & Berger in the field of office leasing 2500 1600 Südliches Überseequartier

URW partners with CBRE and Grossmann & Berger in the field of office leasing

Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) is planning 48,000 square metres of office space for the mixed-use project Westfield…

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Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “A marketplace in the middle of HafenCity“ 2560 1440 Südliches Überseequartier

Interview series Architecture at Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: “A marketplace in the middle of HafenCity“

^1^w21qawswq Where today construction cranes rise to lofty heights and excavators load earth, in a…

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Hamburg’s largest construction site from a bird’s eye view 2560 1708 Südliches Überseequartier

Hamburg’s largest construction site from a bird’s eye view

The dimensions of Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier (WHU) construction site are sometimes difficult to grasp. One…

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Convenience meets new possibilities of mobility – An outlook for the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: A guest article by Jannick Fischer, Marketing Manager at Floatility 2560 1707 Südliches Überseequartier

Convenience meets new possibilities of mobility – An outlook for the Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier: A guest article by Jannick Fischer, Marketing Manager at Floatility

What do mobility offers at the push of a button and the Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier…

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Successful Inspection of the Facade Models of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier 2560 1920 Südliches Überseequartier

Successful Inspection of the Facade Models of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier

Being 60 metres long and 15 metres high it is as big as an apartment-building…

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Unserer Verantwortung bewußt – arbeiten in Zeiten von Corona

Wie Sie sicher bemerkt haben, geht der Betrieb auf der Baustelle eingeschränkt weiter. Um Ihre und die Sicherheit der auf der Baustelle tätigen Mitarbeiter gewährleisten zu können, stehen wir in ständigem Austausch mit allen zuständigen Behörden und Ämtern.